Yesterday was my first show and open studio of 2024. I spent the time working on some creature designs while taking suggestions from anyone who stopped in.
First up, a fungus salamander. I discovered this week that the outside wall of my studio leaks. The big hint was the cup fungus growing out of the baseboard, and I was clearing that out, I discovered a salamander had also made its way in. So that was heavily on my mind this week as I started sketching this little guy.

Then the tone shifted to talking about garden pests, specifically slugs. One of my visitors mentioned the spiders that come with them, and this little guy was born.

Finally, a few glowing mushrooms just because I like painting mushrooms.

Our next open studio is tentatively April 7, 2024. I'll be doing more of these crowdsourced creatures and I'd love for you to be a part of it.